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  • 每集 45分钟
  •   Having woken up in Hong Kong, with…   Having woken up in Hong Kong, with no memory for the last two years (!), Sydney returns to Los Angeles to try to piece together the last two years of her life and discovers the fates of her friends and family: Vaughn has married thinking that Sydney was long dead; Marshall is having a baby with CIA tech expert Carrie Bowman; and Dixon is now the new division head of the L.A. office branch of the CIA. Sydney also learns the shocking fates of Jack and Sloane; the former is in CIA custody for communicating with Irina whom still is in hiding, while the latter is living in Switzerland under house arrest in exchange for co-operation with the CIA. Sydney is granted temporary CIA clearance on a case that may help her regain her memory and she meets a new enemy group called The Covenant.



西德妮故意在办公室里到处放的都是手机,从CIA的电脑里下载Rambaldi方程式,然后和萨克取得联络,原来她是劳伦假扮的。马歇尔问话时被她开枪击中。手机连连爆炸,她趁乱逃跑,沃恩紧追不舍也被打晕。  真正的西德…


 斯隆从Nadia手里拿过纸条,在板上拼成某种图表。趁他不备,Nadia用针扎了他并毁掉了Rambaldi药剂,但最终被他制住。他打电话给联络人让他发出更多药。  CIA截获了斯隆和联络人间的电话,得知药剂存放在一艘名为…


杰克告诉西德妮自己救斯隆是因为他得知司法部的部长Marlon Bell也是“信任”组织的人,而且想让斯隆死。  斯隆透露他发现了Rambaldi原文,里面包含了一种药剂的公式,可以让“乘客”独辟蹊径,从Rambaldi…


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